Tuesday 17 April 2012


Bezerk productions is a highly successful theatre production company located in and around the Reading area and is specialist in state, private, and home educational fields which began in 1994.
When we began we were told to do something creative to make something that's short and sweet. Something to tell the audience that the company is contructively educational, relaxed and fun. There's no specification as to what exactly has to be done in terms of what the product will actually be.
We created a short 30 second promotional video. The aim of the video is to create a multipurpose promotional video to appeal to a cross range of audiences we aimed to achieve this by capturing the essence of Bezerk the students and their creative work as well as the fun and inspirational attitude of the professionally trained coaches towards their students and peers.

Relevant Legislation

After discussion with our clients at Berzerk Productions we agreed that we were to not use the promotional video we create on any other website or in any other features. It will be copyright to them and their use only, we are simply allowed to upload it to YouTube for use and viewing. The company logo will be featured within the video to establish the copyright as a visual image. 
  1. Restricted acts
    It is an offence to perform any of the following acts without the consent of the owner:
    Copy the work.
    Rent, lend or issue copies of the work to the public.
    Perform, broadcast or show the work in public.
    Adapt the work.
    The author of a work, or a director of a film may also have certain moral rights:
    The right to be identified as the author.
    Right to object to derogatory treatment.

    1. Acts that are allowed
    2. Fair dealing is a term used to describe acts which are permitted to a certain degree without infringing the work, these acts are:
    3. Private and research study purposes.
    • Performance, copies or lending for educational purposes.
    • Criticism and news reporting.
    • Incidental inclusion.
    • Copies and lending by librarians.
    • Acts for the purposes of royal commissions, statutory enquiries, judicial proceedings and parliamentary purposes.
    • Recording of broadcasts for the purposes of listening to or viewing at a more convenient time, this is known as time shifting.
    • Producing a back up copy for personal use of a computer program.
    • Playing sound recording for a non profit making organisation, club or society.
      (Profit making organisations and individuals should obtain a license from PRS for Music.)

  • In addition, any person who effectively facilitates or compounds the effects of primary infringement may be liable for secondary infringement of copyright under the 1988 Act. However, to be liable for the secondary infringement of copyright, the person must generally either know, or have reason to believe, that copyright would be or had been infringed.


    Discussion with the client and agreed outcomes

    Our general brief given by our contractor included very few but specific criteria these were that the video by child friendly featuring class activities and games etc. but must contain relevant written details in order to influence the child’s parents or carers into opting for perhaps even a free trial secession at one of their multiple classes. The video must also include a catchy piece of recognisable or identifiable music to grab instant attention.

    18:03    Zac: Scott we im looking to obtain a working brief to produce an artefact for a company and I was wondering if there was anything you have that we could have a crack at it.
    22:47    Scott: Yeah sure, if you can get hold of camera you can bring to class we would love you to put a BWYT (Bezerk Woodley Youth Theatre) advert together just make sure you check with the Bezerkers that they are happy to be filmed alright buddy, see you Tuesday.  Good work tonight btw
    23:12    Zac: Sweet nice one fella, would it be possible for you to knock up a written or hard copy for me at some stage please?
    23:37    Scott: Yeah sure just make sure to remind me and I’ll put one together when I get a spare minute and email you a copy over ok.
    13:56    Scott: also we’ve got matt coming into watch next week and I’m sure he’d be happy to get involved and have a look at what you’re working on, have a good week buddy.

    15:07    Zac: Scotty me and my project partner have put together a short montage of rushes and rough edit for you to take e a look at when you get a free moment, if you could get us a little feedback asap please that would be great.
    17:49   Scott: cheers have a chat in class tonight looks like it’s shaping up nicely though J

    15:36    Zac: we’ve got a couple of variations of the final stages of the rough edit as we are moving towards the collusion of our projects practical time so if I could hear back from you ASAP that would be ideal please.
    11:22   Scott: Yeah nice boys, if you could cut it down from around the 50 it is at the moment to 3o or so that would be ideal perhaps loose that tracking shot of Simon or whatever and swap out the narration for a soundtrack not too fussy about what just keep it clean yeah.
    14:54    Zac: No worries I’ve got something that I think will work nicely.
    15:03    Scott: nice one buddy I’ll leave you to it then.

    15:22    Zac: done dusted let me know what you think and how we did, we managed to cut it down to thirty one seconds so pretty close and I took “make them Laugh” from singing in the rain so it goes quite nicely with what we do ha-ha. 
    15:28   Scott: Love it if it were up to me lads you could have an A it’s a nice little advert well done J
    15:33   Zac: Distinction, but it’s the thought that counts ha-ha J


    My colleague and I are overall very pleased with our finished product it conforms very nicely to the criteria set by our recipient and is in keeping with the style and aesthetic of their previous promotional videos, focused chiefly on the students, their creative work and development in order to sell what it is that the company promotes which in this case is safe, creative and fun learning. The feedback we received from our initial viewing with our peers was universally positive. This enthusiasm and enjoyment was shared by all the students who agreed to be filmed for the promotional trailer as well as the recipient company and its representative. 
    key elements for improvement would be the generation of an original soundtrack  in order to prevent any unintentional copyright as well as introducing more dynamic camera angles to the product to grant it greater depth this could then lead to the introduction of staged or pre determined content from the participants involved. Furthermore we would introduce contact details and potential T&C`s however this would require additional research

    Presentation Feedback

    You presented the work very well, it was confident and you covered just about everything.  At the moment, however, it is a Pass.   ~This is because, in order to access the higher mark bands you need to include, “reference to detailed illustrative examples.” 

    What I would recommend you do, as often as you can, is to have; a description of a technique; an example you have photographed/shot /edited yourself (to show you understand the technique); and an example from TV/film that then shows how the effect helps the narrative.  This should help you access the Merits/Distinctions.
    84.2% Rated within the top band (3 out of 3)
     6.3% Rated within the middle band (2 out of 3)
    10.5% rated within the lower band (1 out of 3)
     top band: up beat and engaging thirty seconds well spent.
    Middle band: I feel I didn’t see much in the way of T&C`s though the content itself was thoroughly enjoyable.
    Lower band: I was most concerned with the unessacary copyright infringement.

    Finally, you need to spend more time improving the commentary on narrative types and the analysis of the Scrubs clip.  It is a great clip that should enable you to show how the shot types and angles help give a sense of location as well as enabling the characters to appear in a number of different places very quickly (enhancing the comedic effect).

    Tuesday 20 March 2012

    Task 1:

    Watch a range of examples of single camera techniques.  You should be able to explain the relationship between the cinematic techniques used and the narrative structure of the film.  Are narratives open-ended; non-linear; closed or multi-stranded?  In terms of techniques; shot size; camera angle and camera movement will be considered, along with editing techniques such as continuity editing; cross cutting; montage; tracking shot; split screen; match cut; eye-line match; shot, reverse shot, with elucidated examples to  illustrate each technique.  Technical language should be confidently and correctly used at all times.  Think about the use of the camera; lighting; sound; editing; scripting; building a scene; building a story

    Tuesday 6 March 2012

    Materials List

    For rescources and equipment we are going to need :
    • 1 - 3 cameras
    •  tripods
    • editing software
    Simply because our given brief is to create a promotional video for Berzerk Productions. We will go to a session at the club and film the activities that are undertaken throughout the time there, gaining different shots and sequences of the things they do with the participants and turn it into a promotional video in the production phase.
    We will use a form of camera use to film an action that is happening but continuously from different angles instead of having constant cuts which makes it looks as if it's a completely different sequence. We are most likely to use 2 cameras on tripods and a third person using a camera free hand to gain a different aspect of shots.
    We are going to use Adobe Premiere Pro for our editing phase, using the software to cut parts and cue them up, adding transitions, text and effects to create an attractive promotional video for the company.

    Crew List

    The crew shall consist of myself,and my project partner Ryan Gault,.  We are going to share the participation equally in terms of editing and camerawork; we are both the editors, directors and cameramen.
    We are possibly going to get a third person to help with the filming for the free-roaming camera shots as opposed to the two static cameras steadied on the tripods. This third person is yet to be decided on.
    Ryan and I are already able to contact each other any time with ease, and if we do gain a third person to help with the filming process we will gain various ways to contact this person and keep up to date and make sure that they can come help with the filming process.

    Tuesday 7 February 2012

    Production Log

    Project Lesson One:07/02/2012
    Today's project lesson saw the initial stages of research gathering for our upcoming promotional video, observing former trailers produced by the company as we have not received our finalised brief and as it stands have a reasonable amount of free range when it comes to producing our product. our current starting point will be the observation of various classes with consent of the students to gain a valuable insight into the workings and structure of the company.

    Project Lesson Two:21/02/2012
    today's lesson saw the beginning of encyption and splicing of our first set of trailer footage before beginning the primary stages of importing it into the Adobe premier pro. the majority of today's lesson was consumed by observation of the vast amounts of footage gathered which totalled somewhere over the twenty minute range, we took the the time to evaluate the most suitable clips paying close attention to both the audio and visual sequencing.

    Project Lesson Four:06/03/12
    To days lesson saw the completion of our basic pre-production material as well as an update on our materials list and crew sheets. Ryan began more in depth editing and experimentation with various effects and font styles to produce some rushes to help design the final product.

    Project Lesson Five:27/03/12
    To days lesson saw the realisation of our final product that came to culmination in a fantastic thirty second promotional trailer set to "Make them laugh" from the incredible film singing in the rain.Both myself and Ryan were very pleased with the outcome and the only criticism we could come to make was to have used more camera angles to grant greater depth to our artifact, which Can now be found on both mine and Ryan's college youtube channels.

    Monday 30 January 2012

    With reference to examples explain the differences between a contractual brief and a competition brief?
     -A competition brief is generally open ended and allows the recipient to interpret it accordingly and is heavily reliant on the recipients’ interpretation in which they aim to produce a superior product or artefact to their competitors attempting to achieve the goal of having the concept enveloped by their clientele. An example of this would be the Sundance film festival where Judges will assess each entry against the following three criteria —
    (a) An excellent creative idea
    (b) Excellent craft and technical execution
    (c) On Brief
    And the winner has their film premiered at Sundance London 2012, which is held at The O2, Greenwich
    A contractual brief is an agreement between two parties with specific terms of arrangement which must be completed in order for the contract to be fulfilled if not the product or artefact produced is rejected and the contract void. An example of this would be our brief for Unit 27 factual programming in which we are required to produce a nine minute documentary conforming strictly to the codes and convention of the standard documentary as well as the heavy pre-production documentation that is entailed in the professional business.

    With reference to a current brief, give an explanation of your roll in a group project you have been working on?
    -With reference again to the brief given for unit 27 factual programming I have been placed in the roll of director/producer responsible for organising and setting locations and shots in which to film in order to produce the best possible product, the position also entails that I oversee and review all other resources and pre-production documentation related to the on-going project work such as storyboards, materials list, risk assessments call time and crew sheets etc.

    What are your duties? What professional qualities do you need to fulfil the brief?
    -(duties listed above repeat if necessary) essential qualities for fulfilling the brief are impeccable team work & building skills as well as leadership and coordination skills when required to enable the team to be as effective and efficient as possible.

    With reference to a specific example, explain your interaction with the client and what changes or further understanding occurred? Referring once again to Unit 27 for factual programming we maintained almost constant interaction with the client consistently holding secessions to update them on what stage of the process we were at as well as making any adaptations or alterations to see that the product produced best suited the needs and specifications required.

    With reference specific examples, explain what new skills you developed during the undertaking of a brief? Impeccable team work & building skills as well as leadership and coordination skills when required to enable the team to be as effective and efficient as possible. Furthermore I have advanced my camera and editing to an improved standard but still leaves much to be desired.

    With reference to an example, explain the opportunities and constraints you encountered with a brief and how you responded to them? The primary constraints when working with any of our given briefs over the past five months are budget and time in equal measure, our lack of budget means many locations and preferable pieces of equipment were and remain unattainable, the time factor means we have generally a short period of time in which to plan film and edit furthermore these activities must be scheduled in order to accommodate the optimum working times for our production team and our subjects/volunteers.

    Tuesday 24 January 2012

    With reference to examples explain the differences between a contractual brief and a competition brief?
     -A competition brief is generally open ended and allows the recipient to interpret it accordingly and is heavily reliant on the recipients’ interpretation in which they aim to produce a superior product or artefact to their competitors attempting to achieve the goal of having the concept enveloped by their clientele. An example of this would be the Sundance film festival where Judges will assess each entry against the following three criteria —
    (a) An excellent creative idea
    (b) Excellent craft and technical execution
    (c) On Brief
    And the winner has their film premiered at Sundance London 2012, which is held at The O2, Greenwich
    A contractual brief is an agreement between two parties with specific terms of arrangement which must be completed in order for the contract to be fulfilled if not the product or artefact produced is rejected and the contract void. An example of this would be our brief for Unit 27 factual programming in which we are required to produce a nine minute documentary conforming strictly to the codes and convention of the standard documentary as well as the heavy pre-production documentation that is entailed in the professional business.

    With reference to a current brief, give an explanation of your roll in a group project you have been working on?
    -With reference again to the brief given for unit 27 factual programming I have been placed in the roll of director/producer responsible for organising and setting locations and shots in which to film in order to produce the best possible product, the position also entails that I oversee and review all other resources and pre-production documentation related to the on-going project work such as storyboards, materials list, risk assessments call time and crew sheets etc.

    What are your duties? What professional qualities do you need to fulfil the brief?
    -(duties listed above repeat if necessary) essential qualities for fulfilling the brief are impeccable team work & building skills as well as leadership and coordination skills when required to enable the team to be as effective and efficient as possible.

    With reference to a specific example, explain your interaction with the client and what changes or further understanding occurred?

    With reference specific examples, explain what new skills you developed during the undertaking of a brief?

    With reference to an example, explain the opportunities and constraints you encountered with a brief and how you responded to them?

    Tuesday 17 January 2012

    Competitive Brief


    Event Background
    Robert Redford, the non-profit Sundance Institute and AEG Europe have joined forces to present Sundance London
    (SDL), a four-day multi-disciplinary arts festival that will include film screenings, live music performances, discussions,
    panels and other public cultural programming to be held 26th – 29th April, 2012 at The O2. The Festival will take
    place in London at Greenwich Peninsula for the first time in its history.
    The Short Film Competition
    As part of Sundance London, and in partnership with Greenwich Council and Ravensbourne, we are launching a short
    film competition with the winning entry being shown as part of the Sundance London film programme. To celebrate
    the competition and festival links to Greenwich, the place where time began and the home of Greenwich Meantime,
    the competition theme will focus on the concept of ‘time’.
    The Brief
    The film challenge is to produce a three to five minute short film around the theme of ‘Story of Our Time’
    Entrants can interpret ‘Story of Our Time’ in any way they choose and films can be in documentary, animation, live
    action, comedy, drama or any other preferred format or genre.
    The only mandatory requirements are that you:
    • Produce a film that is entirely original in content
    • Is between three and five minutes long (including credits)
    • Abide by all the rules set out in the terms and conditions regarding areas such as rights, clearances and
    defamatory or illegal content.
    The Sundance London Short Film Competition 2012 will be launched on Wednesday, 14 December 2011.
    The deadline for submitting entries will be 5pm on Thursday, 28 February 2012.
    Greenwich Council will convene a panel of respected judges to select a shortlist of 25 nominated films to be
    considered for the final prize. A further panel will be selected by the Sundance Institute to judge the shortlisted
    Judges will assess each entry against the following three criteria —
    (a) An excellent creative idea
    (b) Excellent craft and technical execution
    (c) On Brief
    The winner will have their film premiered at Sundance London 2012, which will be held at The O2, Greenwich
    Peninsula, London in April 2012.
    For more information on The Sundance London 2012 Short Film Competition please refer to the competition Terms &visit the website.
    The Sundance London Short Film Competition is powered by Greenwich Council.
    This is an example of a competitive brief used to appeal to a mass market drawing in  several competitors all striving to achieve the goal of producing the winning entry conforming closely if not perfectly to the brief given.

    Negotiated brief

    negotiated brief
    Victoria Kate Cichocki

    Section 1

    Brief Title- Alice in wonderland animation

    In this project I will work towards producing a stop motion animation based on a paragraph from the book Alice's adventures in wonderland, This will include making models and scenery, drawing concepts and storyboards and animating.
    The final animation will be of a length no shorter than 30 seconds.

    This project relates to my work and ideas because I have studied a chapter from the book Alice's adventures in wonderland in a previous project and was able to understand the text so that I could make an accurate representation of it, I have also experimented with digital storytelling in a stop motion animation project, and came up with concepts for 3D models of scenes and characters.
    This use of 3D relates to the course I will be studying at university as it involves the design and creation of 3D characters and environments from concepts and will help me gain a better understand in 3D modelling, increasing my understanding of the subject and also helping me to extend my creative ability and experience in 3D modelling by learning from the mistakes I made last time to ensure that the standard of my 3D modelling increases. I will put emphasis on trying to make the 3D models reflect their description in the book because I think this is important to show my ability to design characters based on somebody else's ideas.


    My main influence for this project is 3D sculpture, particularly 3D characters and scenery. The 3D part of this project has inspired me to conduct research into the design of 3D models as a starting point to this project. This will include the methods of building of armatures, how to build the models so that they will move correctly. This is relevant to my project because this research will help with my understanding of the correct procedures and techniques involved in the making of 3D models. I will find examples of 3D models from current and past animations to help me develop my ideas.
    I will also research into representations of the characters and scenes from the book and look to the text in the book to see if they have been created as they where described in the book.

    I will get my research from the following sources;

    Books and magazines

    The complete animation guide
    Get started in animation
    The fundamentals of animation
    The Animators survival kit
    Imagine Magazine
    Alice’s adventures in wonderland


    Aardman website
    West midlands animation forum
    Hot animation studios

    Films and television programs

    Aardman animations

    Wallace and Gromit
    Chicken run

    Tim Burton animations

    The nightmare before Christmas
    The corpse bride
    James and the giant peach

    Hot animation
    Bob the builder
    Luna Jim
    Fireman Sam

    Section 3

    I will research different methods of creating models for stop motion animation and I will experiment before I make a decision about what to use. Plan to make models using modelling clay (plasticine) to develop my 3D character models. This will include using modelling tools. I also plan to use the correct lighting .I will use my research along with the chosen media to influence experiments to help me develop the best methods of creating the models.
    I plan to plan my animation with storyboards , sound effects and lip sync that will lead to producing an animatic in adobe premiere pro I will then use dope sheets to plan my animation. I will use an appropriate program such as monkey jam or make AVI to put my final animation together.


    Week 1: Mon start research

    Week 2: Mon have research finished

    Week 3: Tues start development

    Week 4: Mon Scripts, record voice and sounds, make storyboards and animatic, fill in dope sheets

    Week 5: Make models and set

    Week 6: Mon start animating

    Week 7: Put animation together in program,

    Week 8: Evaluate project.

    Section 4

    I will make notes throughout my project and my method of recording the critical response to my ideas will be to record my progress with the project on my blog so I can go back to it later to help evaluate the project. I will also make a questionnaire for people to fill after they have viewed my animation to help me critically review my work to determine its success.
    I will also evaluate and compare my work against my original plans and intentions and also compare my final work against the animations I have researched.
     The work above is an example of a negotiated brief its key characteristics are defined by the negotiable clauses generally defined within the contract meaning their is room for edits to be given to task(if so required) in which to reevaluate the parameters of the said tasks.

    Tuesday 3 January 2012

    Contractual - Involves a signed agreement with stated objectives. If you or the other party were to break any agreements you would be in breech of contract and could face legal action

    Competitive:The professional advisor prepares the competition brief and may request the help of others to assist with various sections.
    Tender:The production company might find out someone is looking for a video. They put together a brief with a proposal and a budget and send it to the potential client. The client would look at all the different tenders they receive and choose the one they prefer.
    Informal:More of a verbal agreement between parties with nothing official or in writing, less formal so to speak
    1. Interpreting the brief
    • When you are interpreting a brief that you are given, you as the producer must correctly work out what you need to do to meet the needs of the brief.
    • Once given a brief, you must complete something to satisfy the client, to establish and clarify the user or client for the proposed product in order to inform the design decisions.
    • As the producer, you must find and evaluate information related to the brief
    2. Developing & refining the design concept
    • Develop the initial ideas, brainstorm multiple ideas
    • Refine the ideas so that they meet the parameters of the brief
    • Refine these ideas so that they meet the final requirements of the brief
    3. Liasing with the client
    • Agree on the communication process (how often you meet to discuss)
    • Present concepts for work at appropriate stages during the design process, as required
    • Pro-actively seek and act on feedback from the client
    • Agree on concept for work that complies with the brief
    4. Planning the production of the work
    • Identify all components required to produce the work
    • Assess technical requirements given associated with the production using any guidelines
    • Identify and consult with any support services required
    • Document the workflow consistency within the concept of the brief
    5. Completing the production of the work
    • Collect and/or organise required components for work
    • Produce and/or monitor the production of work ensuring that all parametres of the brief are met
    • Accurately document the work progress in a format appropriately to the nature of the design and requirements to the brief
    6. Specifications
    • The scope of the work
    • The medium required
    • It's size
    • It's cost
    • Target audience
    • Time frames
    • Quantities
    • Siting
    7. Constraints
    • Cost
    • Distribution
    • Number of items
    • Time frames
    • Budget
    8. Pertinent information
    • Industry standards
    • Design standards
    • Material characteristics
    • Style considerations
    • Legal, contractual, ethical and copyright consierations
    • Health & Safety
    • New technology
    • Current trends
    9. Formats for concept submission
    • DVD/CD/VHS
    • Book/Magazine
    • Storyboard
    • Size ratios
    • Scripts
    10. Formats for documentation of workflow
    • Treatment
    • Storyboard
    • Script
    • Amendments
    • Filming schedule
    • Shot list
    • Take list
    • Cast list
    • Crew list
    • Location list
    • Editing log
    • Budget
    • Risk assessment
    • Continuity documentation
    11. Agreeing on concept may involve...
    • Negotiation
    • Formal contract for work
    • Disscussion with client
    • Viewing of rushes
    • Costs
    • Multiple presentations