Tuesday 17 April 2012


My colleague and I are overall very pleased with our finished product it conforms very nicely to the criteria set by our recipient and is in keeping with the style and aesthetic of their previous promotional videos, focused chiefly on the students, their creative work and development in order to sell what it is that the company promotes which in this case is safe, creative and fun learning. The feedback we received from our initial viewing with our peers was universally positive. This enthusiasm and enjoyment was shared by all the students who agreed to be filmed for the promotional trailer as well as the recipient company and its representative. 
key elements for improvement would be the generation of an original soundtrack  in order to prevent any unintentional copyright as well as introducing more dynamic camera angles to the product to grant it greater depth this could then lead to the introduction of staged or pre determined content from the participants involved. Furthermore we would introduce contact details and potential T&C`s however this would require additional research

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