Tuesday 17 January 2012

Competitive Brief


Event Background
Robert Redford, the non-profit Sundance Institute and AEG Europe have joined forces to present Sundance London
(SDL), a four-day multi-disciplinary arts festival that will include film screenings, live music performances, discussions,
panels and other public cultural programming to be held 26th – 29th April, 2012 at The O2. The Festival will take
place in London at Greenwich Peninsula for the first time in its history.
The Short Film Competition
As part of Sundance London, and in partnership with Greenwich Council and Ravensbourne, we are launching a short
film competition with the winning entry being shown as part of the Sundance London film programme. To celebrate
the competition and festival links to Greenwich, the place where time began and the home of Greenwich Meantime,
the competition theme will focus on the concept of ‘time’.
The Brief
The film challenge is to produce a three to five minute short film around the theme of ‘Story of Our Time’
Entrants can interpret ‘Story of Our Time’ in any way they choose and films can be in documentary, animation, live
action, comedy, drama or any other preferred format or genre.
The only mandatory requirements are that you:
• Produce a film that is entirely original in content
• Is between three and five minutes long (including credits)
• Abide by all the rules set out in the terms and conditions regarding areas such as rights, clearances and
defamatory or illegal content.
The Sundance London Short Film Competition 2012 will be launched on Wednesday, 14 December 2011.
The deadline for submitting entries will be 5pm on Thursday, 28 February 2012.
Greenwich Council will convene a panel of respected judges to select a shortlist of 25 nominated films to be
considered for the final prize. A further panel will be selected by the Sundance Institute to judge the shortlisted
Judges will assess each entry against the following three criteria —
(a) An excellent creative idea
(b) Excellent craft and technical execution
(c) On Brief
The winner will have their film premiered at Sundance London 2012, which will be held at The O2, Greenwich
Peninsula, London in April 2012.
For more information on The Sundance London 2012 Short Film Competition please refer to the competition Terms &visit the website.
The Sundance London Short Film Competition is powered by Greenwich Council.
This is an example of a competitive brief used to appeal to a mass market drawing in  several competitors all striving to achieve the goal of producing the winning entry conforming closely if not perfectly to the brief given.

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