Tuesday 17 April 2012


Bezerk productions is a highly successful theatre production company located in and around the Reading area and is specialist in state, private, and home educational fields which began in 1994.
When we began we were told to do something creative to make something that's short and sweet. Something to tell the audience that the company is contructively educational, relaxed and fun. There's no specification as to what exactly has to be done in terms of what the product will actually be.
We created a short 30 second promotional video. The aim of the video is to create a multipurpose promotional video to appeal to a cross range of audiences we aimed to achieve this by capturing the essence of Bezerk the students and their creative work as well as the fun and inspirational attitude of the professionally trained coaches towards their students and peers.

Relevant Legislation

After discussion with our clients at Berzerk Productions we agreed that we were to not use the promotional video we create on any other website or in any other features. It will be copyright to them and their use only, we are simply allowed to upload it to YouTube for use and viewing. The company logo will be featured within the video to establish the copyright as a visual image. 
  1. Restricted acts
    It is an offence to perform any of the following acts without the consent of the owner:
    Copy the work.
    Rent, lend or issue copies of the work to the public.
    Perform, broadcast or show the work in public.
    Adapt the work.
    The author of a work, or a director of a film may also have certain moral rights:
    The right to be identified as the author.
    Right to object to derogatory treatment.

    1. Acts that are allowed
    2. Fair dealing is a term used to describe acts which are permitted to a certain degree without infringing the work, these acts are:
    3. Private and research study purposes.
    • Performance, copies or lending for educational purposes.
    • Criticism and news reporting.
    • Incidental inclusion.
    • Copies and lending by librarians.
    • Acts for the purposes of royal commissions, statutory enquiries, judicial proceedings and parliamentary purposes.
    • Recording of broadcasts for the purposes of listening to or viewing at a more convenient time, this is known as time shifting.
    • Producing a back up copy for personal use of a computer program.
    • Playing sound recording for a non profit making organisation, club or society.
      (Profit making organisations and individuals should obtain a license from PRS for Music.)

  • In addition, any person who effectively facilitates or compounds the effects of primary infringement may be liable for secondary infringement of copyright under the 1988 Act. However, to be liable for the secondary infringement of copyright, the person must generally either know, or have reason to believe, that copyright would be or had been infringed.


    Discussion with the client and agreed outcomes

    Our general brief given by our contractor included very few but specific criteria these were that the video by child friendly featuring class activities and games etc. but must contain relevant written details in order to influence the child’s parents or carers into opting for perhaps even a free trial secession at one of their multiple classes. The video must also include a catchy piece of recognisable or identifiable music to grab instant attention.

    18:03    Zac: Scott we im looking to obtain a working brief to produce an artefact for a company and I was wondering if there was anything you have that we could have a crack at it.
    22:47    Scott: Yeah sure, if you can get hold of camera you can bring to class we would love you to put a BWYT (Bezerk Woodley Youth Theatre) advert together just make sure you check with the Bezerkers that they are happy to be filmed alright buddy, see you Tuesday.  Good work tonight btw
    23:12    Zac: Sweet nice one fella, would it be possible for you to knock up a written or hard copy for me at some stage please?
    23:37    Scott: Yeah sure just make sure to remind me and I’ll put one together when I get a spare minute and email you a copy over ok.
    13:56    Scott: also we’ve got matt coming into watch next week and I’m sure he’d be happy to get involved and have a look at what you’re working on, have a good week buddy.

    15:07    Zac: Scotty me and my project partner have put together a short montage of rushes and rough edit for you to take e a look at when you get a free moment, if you could get us a little feedback asap please that would be great.
    17:49   Scott: cheers have a chat in class tonight looks like it’s shaping up nicely though J

    15:36    Zac: we’ve got a couple of variations of the final stages of the rough edit as we are moving towards the collusion of our projects practical time so if I could hear back from you ASAP that would be ideal please.
    11:22   Scott: Yeah nice boys, if you could cut it down from around the 50 it is at the moment to 3o or so that would be ideal perhaps loose that tracking shot of Simon or whatever and swap out the narration for a soundtrack not too fussy about what just keep it clean yeah.
    14:54    Zac: No worries I’ve got something that I think will work nicely.
    15:03    Scott: nice one buddy I’ll leave you to it then.

    15:22    Zac: done dusted let me know what you think and how we did, we managed to cut it down to thirty one seconds so pretty close and I took “make them Laugh” from singing in the rain so it goes quite nicely with what we do ha-ha. 
    15:28   Scott: Love it if it were up to me lads you could have an A it’s a nice little advert well done J
    15:33   Zac: Distinction, but it’s the thought that counts ha-ha J


    My colleague and I are overall very pleased with our finished product it conforms very nicely to the criteria set by our recipient and is in keeping with the style and aesthetic of their previous promotional videos, focused chiefly on the students, their creative work and development in order to sell what it is that the company promotes which in this case is safe, creative and fun learning. The feedback we received from our initial viewing with our peers was universally positive. This enthusiasm and enjoyment was shared by all the students who agreed to be filmed for the promotional trailer as well as the recipient company and its representative. 
    key elements for improvement would be the generation of an original soundtrack  in order to prevent any unintentional copyright as well as introducing more dynamic camera angles to the product to grant it greater depth this could then lead to the introduction of staged or pre determined content from the participants involved. Furthermore we would introduce contact details and potential T&C`s however this would require additional research

    Presentation Feedback

    You presented the work very well, it was confident and you covered just about everything.  At the moment, however, it is a Pass.   ~This is because, in order to access the higher mark bands you need to include, “reference to detailed illustrative examples.” 

    What I would recommend you do, as often as you can, is to have; a description of a technique; an example you have photographed/shot /edited yourself (to show you understand the technique); and an example from TV/film that then shows how the effect helps the narrative.  This should help you access the Merits/Distinctions.
    84.2% Rated within the top band (3 out of 3)
     6.3% Rated within the middle band (2 out of 3)
    10.5% rated within the lower band (1 out of 3)
     top band: up beat and engaging thirty seconds well spent.
    Middle band: I feel I didn’t see much in the way of T&C`s though the content itself was thoroughly enjoyable.
    Lower band: I was most concerned with the unessacary copyright infringement.

    Finally, you need to spend more time improving the commentary on narrative types and the analysis of the Scrubs clip.  It is a great clip that should enable you to show how the shot types and angles help give a sense of location as well as enabling the characters to appear in a number of different places very quickly (enhancing the comedic effect).