Tuesday 8 November 2011

We received a Tender Brief, they proposed what they would like to be included in their video, and the basic information which would need to be produced and demonstrated in it.
The one thing that created restictions was the 60 second limit to the advert, if the time limit was for example 2 minutes, we could have included a great deal more important information and statistical data into it, especially because they gave us a large amount of information to be included.  The initial idea was to make the advert as interesting as possible in order to attract the correct target audience (16-20 males and females) we struggled with this as teenagers are not normally engaged but recycling adverts and therefore had to conduct surveys in order to see what would most appeal to the target audience.
Agreeing on what was to be made was difficult as i was working with two other people who also had their own ideas.In the end we combined all our thoughts and ideas.
Through out making the advert our ideas  changed, as we got to see what worked and what didn't.
Carrie, Sean and I planned the video together, each sharing our own ideas, for the final project we combined all of our ideas, also adding things on the way.
A lot of the scenes did change in between the planning and production,this was due to new ideas coming up on the spot by my fellow team mates. I believe this was the best way to improve the video advertisement as you should vbe adaptable to the situation around you in order to produce the best programme for your viewers .
When it came to editing the video i decided that we were not going to use copyright free music that was already use but to use music that we created. To do this myself and Carrie made a 60 second audio using Garage Band.
I am pleased with the outcome, although i believe more planning would have lead to a better outcome. We didn't have enough time to plan it all, and shooting time was also very limited.
interpreting briefs:
 i have learnt that you should stick to the Brief as closely as possible,  the more you stick to it the happier the client will be.

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